Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Random Act of Kindness

Hey hey hey, it's Kayy!

Just wanted to quick write about something, it's another no-picture post, but don't worry, that will change soon! I've been so busy this past weekend with a non-stop toothache, I ended up getting to the dentist yesterday, the nerves in my tooth had died. The dentist drilled a hole in my tooth and drained out all the infection, 5 cc's (mL) of pus was drained out! I have to go back in next Monday to have a root canal done.

Back to my post, on Saturday, I went to Joanns with a coupon I got in the mail. I go look for batting, and I grab one off a shelf that says $8.99, so I was like, "Woohoo!"
I get up to the checkout, and the cashier tells me that the original price is $19.99, which is okay, my 50% coupon makes it so I can still buy it. Nope. It was already on sale for 40%, and that makes me short around a dollar, but this really nice lady, comes over after finishing her checkout, and hands my cashier a twenty dollar bill, and refuses to take the money I do have,
"I like to see people who sew" She says, I really wish I had asked her name, I really am thankful for that, a Random Act of Kindness. Maybe someday I'll see her in Joann's and be able to do something good for her, or maybe I can Pay It Forward, that's the whole theme of my civics class project, based on that wonderful movie.

That's all I wanted to ramble about, I just thought that what had happened was so cool I'd share it with you :) My next post will have pictures! Don't worry! Have a wonderfully crafty day everyone :)


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Another Blog on the Block

Hey hey hey it's Kayy!

If you happen to recognize that introduction, it's from my old blog called A Menagerie of Ramblings, but I don't use it anymore, I've stopped posting for lack of time to find anything to post about. But that's about to change! I've created this new blog for Baskets for Bundles along with the paired blog under this same account, Baskets of Warmth (You can view it at http://www.basketsofwarmth.blogspot.com/)

If you have read the "About B4B" page in this blog yet, I suggest you do, it tells you all about why I created these blogs and my goals.

I bought some fabric to start my first baby quilt with, and Ill post some photos soon :)

I plan to start groups for B4B and BoW on sites like Ravelry, Stitchtalk, Flickr, etc. Ill have a page of links on both blogs as soon as I establish these groups.

About Stitchtalk, (http://www.stitchtalk.com/) I want to extend a great thanks to all my new friends who have given me their best wishes and just support me and everything, I really appreciate everything they've told (and done) for me :) It really is a great site for those who sew and knit and do all kinds of 'Stitchy' crafts :)

Signing off now, , hope you all have a wonderful day!